Hi everyone!

I wanted to take the time to tell you a little more about your coach. I began my spiritual awakening in 2019. Since then I‘ve been unraveling my and my family’s history and legacy. I find the more I learn about myself the more about learn about my loved ones, humanity, and the meaning of life.

I look back at my story and I see how my life has been preparing me to be a guide to freedom and expansion. I love to hold space for people to feel safe and supported to explore who they are when guided by their souls rather than external societal pressures.

For most of my life, I held back my truth for fear of rejection. People pleasing caused me to lose myself and by the time I became an adult I did not know who I was. I had an identity crisis that led me to my spiritual awakening. After a lifetime (and many lifetimes before) of holding back what my heart wanted to speak, I found healing in knowing myself deeper.

I was in a graduate program and experiencing deep depression and panic attacks. I harbored so much internalized hate, my body, soul, and mind were sick. I was in a battle with myself because I did not know myself.

The self-discovery journey is one of the most important adventures you will ever embark on. At the time, I did not know I was on my self-discovery journey. Once I reflected on the last few years, I saw the patterns and realized I went on a journey to know myself deeper and it healed my pain. I discovered language for what I was experiencing. I looked within and connected with my body. I began to feel into my emotions as a guide to the truth of who I am.

I have worked with many coaches and spiritual teachers who have helped me understand myself deeper. I could have never done it alone. Coaching is a way for me to share the wisdom I have gained and share the gifts I have been given to truly embody my purpose. If you resonate with this experience and you are looking to deepen your self-discovery journey, connect with me :)



Photo credit: DebbieStockwellStudio.com

Laura’s Self-Discovery Journey

  • I have been studying astrology since I was a young child. It started with reading the last pages of the Spanish tabloid magazines that were delivered to the house. At such a young age I was intrigued by the patterns that showed up month by month within each sign.  I can remember being about 8 years old teaching myself how to read in Spanish so that I could understand the astrology forecasts. I started to check out astrology books from the library, an I remember one year my brother and I were at a bookstore, and he told me he’d buy me anything for my birthday and I chose “The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays” by Theresa Cheung, one of my first astrology related books and a book I cherish to this day and love to pull out when I have friends over.

    I didn’t think much of it then, but now, I think back and recognize how my passion was always there, but it wasn’t something I was proud of. I received the messaging that astrology was a bad thing and not something that could be studied like traditional math and science taught at school. Since my parents always pushed me to focus on school and go to college, astrology became my secret. It was where I went when I wanted to be alone and explore what I call “my daydream land” a place in my mind I escaped, where I could be myself and I could be anyone.

    It was not until my spiritual awakening at age 25 that I felt brave enough to share my love and joy and extensive knowledge of the intricacies and nuances of astrology. I would hear my friends talking about astrology and soon enough began to share what I know to help others understand themselves better. Still, it took me a few years after that to recognize that astrology was also a part of my purpose. It was not coincidence that I was drawn to astrology from a young age. Now, I see how astrology can heal and be a guiding light for those who are feeling lost on their journey like I was.

  • 2016 - Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Washington, Seattle

    I graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle as a psychology and communication major. In college, I was drawn to psychology after being introduced to the human archetypes by Carl Jung. At the time I could see myself as a psychotherapist who would help people heal their mental health. Yet, deep down, I was the one who was seeking mental and emotional healing. I was lost, depressed, anxious, and disconnected from my body and from my true self. I had no direction, I was coping with unhealthy behaviors, and overall felt a deep emptiness and confusion about why I was here.  

    As I reflect on my educational experience I see the influence my education had on my healing journey. Yet, the most important lessons that I learned were on my self-discovery journey. By psychoanalyzing myself to help me understand my past experiences and by using my communication theory knowledge to become critical of the messaging I had received throughout my life, I started to see the power of the self-discovery journey. I was empowered to dive within to find the truth of who I am, as opposed to who I’ve been told to be.

    After college, I continued my formal education but I was more intrigued by the self-study I was engaged in between classes. I started to YouTube binge a world of wisdom from astrologers and spiritual teachers online. My world opened up to wisdom that would help me heal and dive into my spiritual self-discovery journey.

  • 2020 - Hatha  (26 poses) yoga teaching certification from Be yoga Durien, taught by Debbie Dixon.

    2022 – Certified spiritual life-purpose coach through the Dharma Coaching Institute

    2024 – Reiki I & II Certification with Song Atthajaroon, Reiki Master and Founder of Songbird Journeys

    A world of spiritual healing opened for me during my spiritual awakening journey. It started with my lowest point while I was in a graduate school program. I was anxious, depressed, and experiencing panic attacks when the COVID pandemic happened and forced me to take the leap of faith I had wanted to make 3 years prior from the moment I began the graduate program. A part of me felt out of place and couldn’t figure out why I was there, while another part of me felt like I should feel lucky to be there and not ruin the opportunity to pursuit a doctorate degree at a top research university. The pandemic was my excuse to leave it all behind and start fresh. That moment in time that changed the world for so many people was a turning point for me too. As the world felt like it was slowing down, I gave myself space to explore what was next for me.

    First, I was called to connect to my body. I didn’t know I had been disconnected to my body until this idea was brought into my consiousness. I realized I’d never felt connected to my body. It was like I was always in my head. My hatha yoga teacher training was my first introduction into spirituality, yoga philosophy, the mind-body connection, and most importantly I was introduced to the innate wisdom of my body. My body knew it all, I just had to connect. It was like the answers to the questions I had were being answered all at once, “Why am I having panic attacks?” “Why am I so sad?”, “Why do I hate myself??”. The more I connected with yoga and meditation, the closer to became to unraveling the deep woundings that were hiding in me. From childhood to last lives, to intergenerational trauma. I was diving deep into my inner world with the guidance of shadow workers, yogis, energy healers, astrologists, psychics, intuitives, and hypnotists to help me discovery the truth of who I am.

    As I learned more and more about myself, I went back to the basics: my natal chart. I already had experience helping others understand their astrology chart before I actually sat down and decided to explore what my astrology chart said about me. That was when I began to see my natal chart as a map. It revealed where I was coming from and where I wanted to go. It helped me distinguish who I was as my most authentic self from who I lived my life pretending to be. From here I decided to learn how I can help others on their self-discovery journey through life-purpose coaching. Most recently I have integrated reiki healing because of the power I found in developing my mind-body connection and the positive impact healing energetic wounding had on my spiritual and emotional healing.

    Overall, I’ve learned all my pursuits have led me to where I am today. And it’s the same with everyone’s story! Take a moment to look back and reflect on how the unique unfolding of your life has led you to where you are today.

  • Developing Seeking Sabiduria, my Astrology and Reiki practice.

    Health and Wellness Coaching Certification

    Sculpt Yoga Certification through CorePower Yoga

    Continuing to share my light and voice as I travel along my purpose path.

    As a Sagittarius moon, the journey of higher learning is never-ending for me. I love engaging in new educational pursuits that center around spirituality and self-discovery. I wasn’t always this way. I used to struggle with academic pursuits and experienced imposter syndrome when I was in college, but I’ve learned it is a matter of finding what I love to learn about. You can find me every day reading and continuing to study astrology, yoga philosophy, and self-discovery tools to integrate into my practice. I make sure to strengthen my mind-body connection as a daily practice with yoga, grounding in nature, and weight training. The mind-body connection happens simultaneously for me. The more I train my mind to be fearless, the more my body is capable of and the stronger my body, the stronger my mind. In the future I hope to integrate more mind-body healing modalities into my practice in addition to astrology and reiki healing.


  • My coaching session with Laura was amazing! She holds such a safe and welcoming space the other to share so openly and it’s very comforting. Her wisdom, insight and guidance was so reassuring. I love how she gave me resources and tools to help with my business. I liked how she asks you questions and have you go in depth with your thoughts and feelings. I also loved her asking me how I felt after providing any insight on the topic at hand. Thank you Laura for helping me gain more clarity for my business and life. I really appreciate you!


  • I really enjoyed my session with Laura. I felt very comfortable with her from the start. I especially appreciated that she offered to record the session so that I could refer back to it. Laura is very insightful and you can tell she is passionate about her work. I would not change anything about my session but would love to have another as Laura has an abundance of information to share.


  • There were many moments throughout my session where I thought "wow this makes lots of sense" or "wow this really resonates with me." Around the time I met with Laura I was having a difficult time deciding whether I was doing what I was meant to do as far as my job and with Laura's coaching I was able to see that I am where I am supposed to be right in this moment.


  • I enjoyed learning that there are different levels of spirituality. I wasn't aware that there are different stages and learning that I am in the second stage was its own awakening.


  • Laura’s interpretation of my astrology chart provided clarity and affirmation of my divine purpose in the past and current stage of my life.


  • I really enjoyed my session! I don't have any recommendations but can say that I loved how easy the interaction was. It was easy to have an open honest conversation.


  • What was your biggest insight from the session?: Continue to honor my pace. ❤️


  • The session was really great overall as an introduction to divine purpose coaching. First time experience.


  • "Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom."

    -Lao Tzu

  • "We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are."

    -Anaïs Nin

  • "Know thyself"


  • "I was once afraid of people saying 'Who does she think she is?' Now I have the courage to stand and say, 'This is who I am.'"

    -Oprah Winfrey

  • "Step into the fire of self-discovery. This fire will not burn you."


  • "At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want."

    -Lao Tzu

  • "And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?"


  • "When an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside as fate."

    -Carl Jung

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