Seeking Sabiduria Ep 10: Discover Your Soul Purpose
Welcome to this week’s episode of Seeking Sabiduria, a podcast about seeking higher wisdom through spirituality and self-discovery. This week I share tools and tips to help you get a better grasp of your soul’s purpose also known as your dharma or your spiritual life purpose.
Seeking Sabiduria Ep 09: Reflecting on Podcasting and Throat Chakra Update
Welcome to Seeking Sabiduria, a podcast about seeking higher wisdom through spirituality and self-discovery. This week I reflect on the last 3 guest episodes. I am so grateful for all the guests that have joined me on the show! In this episode, I share what I have learned about myself from having these guests on and what I learned about sharing my voice through podcasting.
Seeking Sabiduria Ep 08: Buscando Amor Propio Con Jimena Free Spirit
Esta semana en Seeking Sabiduria esta mi primer invitada en español, Jimena Free Spirit. Jimena es una Coach certificada de Propósito y Vida Espiritual. La mission de Jimena es empoderar profesionales y líderes ambiciosos reconecten con su alma, autoestima, alegría y aliniarse con su propósito y transformar sus vidas.
Seeking Sabiduria Ep 07: Healing With Chris of The Sky Beckons
This week, I am excited to introduce my next guest, Chris, the founder of Chris is a spiritual fitness coach, energy healer, and hacker who guides people on their healing journey to practice self-love, connect with their inner child and identify their life purpose through energy healing, coaching, education, and accountability.
Seeking Sabiduria Ep 06: Interview with Torny Wigum Host of Dancing Heart Podcast
This week, I am so excited to introduce my very first guest on the podcast, Torny Wigum. Torny is the host of Dancing Heart Podcast, a podcast dedicated to guiding you back to your dancing heart and inspiring you to dream big and follow your joy.
Seeking Sabiduria Ep 05: Explora tus Valores
En este episodio hablo sobre qué son los valores, por qué son importantes y cómo puedes comenzar a definir y priorizar tus valores más importantes.
Seeking Sabiduria Ep 04: Astrology and your life purpose
Happy new year! In this episode, I start the new year by talking about astrology, my favorite self-discovery tool. If you want to know yourself deeper using astrology, this episode is your guide!
Seeking Sabiduria Ep 03: podcast En EspaÑol
En este podcast hablo sobre temas de espiritualidad esotérica, autodescubrimiento, psicología, astrología, y la aventura que es descubriendo y manifestando nuestro propósito.
En este primer episodio en español, hablo de que es autodescubrimiento, un tema que exploro mucho como una coach (guía) de vida y propósito. Yo me especializo en ayudando mis clientes explorar su identidad y hacer cambios que se alinean con su misión de vida.
Seeking Sabiduria Ep 02: Explore Your Values
In this episode I talk about what are values, why are they important, and how you can start defining and prioritizing your most important values.
Seeking Sabiduria Ep 01: What is Self-Discovery?
In this episode of the podcast, I talk about what is self-discovery. I also introduce myself and share my hopes for this weekly Spanglish podcast.