Feeling indecisive about your career?

Years ago, in my high school career class, I shared that I cannot see myself having just one career, rather, I see myself having many careers throughout my life. At the time I wanted to be a teacher, a philanthropist, own a bookstore, a writer, a volunteer for the Peace Corps, a traveler, and then a psychologist. I imagined I would do each for a few years and then move on. All the possibilities were so exciting in career class. I remember I was shut down immediately. I was told, “you have to pick something”, or “what will you study in college?”. Then I heard other students confidently say, “I want to be a doctor”, or “I want to be a lawyer”. I felt wrong for wanting many careers. I started to associate myself with being indecisive, flighty, and unable to commit. These labels stuck with me.

When I started college, I explored many majors. In my first year alone I took psychology, anthropology, art history, biology, algebra, sociology, communications, and education courses. Not at all the curriculum of someone who knows what she wants in life (or so I was conditioned to believe). When I was in high school, I thought I knew what I wanted, but then I started to doubt the possibility of having many careers. I also didn’t have anyone to model what that could look like for me, so I rushed to choose SOMETHING. Finally, I graduated with two majors (I couldn’t decide on just one).

Since then, I have learned I can create my reality, meaning I can create any career trajectory I want for myself.

If you feel lost, aimless, like you can’t commit, or are indecisive, I am here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you. You have been taught these stories by people who didn’t know it was possible to create the career of your dreams.

If you feel stuck, don’t know what you are passionate about, or are having trouble stepping out of the box of limited career possibilities, here is one thing you can do right now: Connect with your heart.

Take a moment to sit quietly, take a few deep breaths, place your hands on your heart and listen within. Ask your heart what it wants. When we take a moment to separate from the mind, which is filled with constructs we learn from society, we can hear the heart to connect deeply with our truth.

Ask yourself: What does your heart say?


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