Three steps to true essence

I am a self-discovery coach who helps people explore their inner world to reveal their true essence. True essence is an oxymoron because isn’t essence “the truth”? Well, most people may think they are living their life truthfully yet they are not living authentically. True essence is the truth of who you are on a mind, body, and soul level. When you are truly living in alignment you are embodying your truth and purpose full time, not just at home, not just at work, not just in your daydream land.

The first step is love. This means love for yourself and others. When you know that this is the end goal, the north star, the ultimate truth, then you have an idea of where you want to go. By following the feeling of love which is associated with any good feelings such as joy, excitement, or flow, then you can use that as a compass toward your truth.

Next, is the self-discovery journey. Before you know what you are meant to do, you need to know who you are. Going on your self-discovery journey means getting down to the truth of who you are when you are not influenced by external forces. Sometimes we experience pressure from society, our culture, and our family. Others will project what they think onto us and because we don’t know better when we are young, we believe these projections are true and they influence our decisions.

Can you think of a time in your life this has happened? What are the roles you have been given by society or your culture? Are men and women treated the same in your culture? Why or why not? Do you love the career you are in? Why did you choose it? Did your parents ever tell you what career you should go into?

Once we start to distance ourselves from the opinions of others we can begin to see where they end, and we begin. We can understand what are the values that guide our decisions. What are our interests and talents? What are the ways we enjoy being in the world?

Finally, we can explore our purpose. Once we can stand in our truth, we are in a space to say yes and no to what we want and don’t want in life. As we do less of the things we don’t like, we make space for the things we do like and can create a life full of meaning and purpose.

When you take these steps there are some things that will happen after. You may find that your relationships improve because as we know ourselves more, we begin to understand others deeper, as well. You will also find that you have more energy when you are doing the things you love that give you purpose. Do you find that you are not motivated in your job or school? It could be because you are not on an aligned path. The work for you will be to change something about your present circumstances so that you can make way for one thing you love to do every day. Slowly you can increase that to living the life of your dreams full time, by learning about yourself.

You will also find that the journey never ends. You will see that the journey to learn about yourself deeper never ends. You can find so many resources online and around your neighborhood to keep diving deep into your inner world.


Feeling indecisive about your career?